Cambridge offers following subjects for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint (5 – 11 yrs):
- Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language
- Cambridge Primary Mathematics
- Cambridge Primary Science
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests are for learners at the end of Stage 6, the final year of Cambridge Primary. They test skills, knowledge and understanding from Stages 4–6 of the curriculum for English, English as a Second Language and Mathematics, and Stages 3–6 of the curriculum for Science.
Key features of Cambridge Primary Checkpoint are:
- The tests are marked by Cambridge examiners to provide a benchmark of learner performance.
- Learners receive a statement of achievement and a diagnostic feedback report.
- Feedback reports show how a learner has performed in relation to the curriculum, their learning group, the whole school, and against all learners who have taken tests in that series around the world.
- Cambridge Primary Checkpoint helps teachers to monitor group and individual performance, and manage future learning.
Cambridge offers following subjects for the Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint (11 – 14 yrs) :
- Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language
- Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics
- Cambridge Lower Secondary Science
Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint tests are for learners at the end of the final year of Cambridge Lower Secondary. They provide evidence of readiness for the next stage of education, assessing skills, knowledge and understanding at the end of Stages 7–9.
- The tests are marked by Cambridge examiners to provide a benchmark of learner performance.
- Learners receive a statement of achievement and a diagnostic feedback report.
- Feedback reports show how a learner has performed in relation to the curriculum, their learning group, the whole school, and against all learners who have taken tests in that series around the world.
In our school curriculum plan we have six mandatory subjects and one optional subject for Cambridge Upper Secondary or O Level / IGCSE.
Main Subjects
- English – Second Language (0510)
- Mathematics (with coursework) (0580)
- Biology Extended (0610)
- Chemistry Extended (0620)
- Physics Extended (0625)
- Computer Science(0478)
Optional subjects: Any one of the following
- Arabic as Foreign language (0544),
- Urdu as Second Language O level (3248)
- French as Foreign Language (0520)

Examination & Evaluation Scheme
Students of Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Prep & Grade 1 will be assessed on their day to day performance and tests. No formal examination will be conducted for them.
- No formal examination will be held for Grades II-V students. Students will be assessed on the basis of the unit tests.
- Unit test papers/unit test note books will be returned to students within five days of the test. Parents are requested to sign the test papers and note books and maintain effective communication with the school through the Organizer.
- The syllabus in all subjects will be divided into two independent semesters. Details will be given to the students.
- Five unit tests will be held in all subjects for Grades II-V according to the schedule given in the Organizer.
- Evaluation will be based on student’s continuous academic performance during the year.
- 33% of aggregate marks should be obtained by the pupil to be promoted to next higher class.
NOTE : School will register students for Cambridge Primary Checkpoint ( At the end of Grade 5) – age of 11 years.
The session will be divided into two terms.
TERM 1 = Periodic Assessment 1 (20 Marks) and Half Yearly (80 Marks)
TERM 2 = Periodic Assessment 2 (20 Marks) and Annual Examination (80 Marks)
NOTE : School will register students for Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint ( At the end of Grade 8) – age of 14 years.
Our curriculum plan consists of two years of study from class 9 and class 10.
Class 9 = 60% of Cambridge Secondary / IGCSE/ O Level
Class 10 = 40% of Cambridge Secondary /IGCSE/ O Level + Revision of entire syllabus
NOTE : School will register students for Cambridge Upper Secondary Checkpoint / IGCSE ( At the end of Grade 10) – age of 16 years.
Our students will be registered for May/June session only.
Evaluation and Promotion:
- School based assessment system will be followed in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9.
- 33% of aggregate marks should be obtained by the pupil to be promoted to next higher grade.
The students appearing for Cambridge Assessment International Examinations will be awarded certificates from Cambridge.